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computer section中文是什么意思

用"computer section"造句"computer section"怎么读"computer section" in a sentence


  • 计算机科


  • Why not a computer section in sports america magazine
  • Why not a computer section in sports america magazine
  • Please contact the computer section of the department on 2594 5111 for details
    欢迎致电2594 5111与本局电脑组联络,以了解详请。
  • Furthermore , the computer section suppressed the production of 60 , 000 sheets of microfiche under the business registration system and property tax system . the microfiche was substituted by electronic files
    此外,电脑组亦停止为商业登记系统和物业税系统制造60 , 000张微缩胶片,改以电子档案储存。
  • The computer section has suppressed the printing of hardcopy job journals and replaced them by magnetic tapes . this helps to save the consumption of computer plain stationery up to 3 , 400 , 000 folds annually
    电脑组停止编印工作日志的印文本,改而使用磁带,这有助节省电脑纸的耗用达每年3 , 400 , 000叠。
用"computer section"造句  
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